Thursday, March 19, 2009


Sadly I have come to realize that it's going to take way more than I can handel to get this site up and running and then to have it be awesome.
I've also decided I do not want to break the hearts of those I love, my family, who believe in me and my photography.
I still plan on doing something awesome though.
I still have lots to learn when it comes to photography and running a internet business but I am not going to give up.
I have lots and lots of interests and I do plan on making something with all my hobbies and passion. So I will be creating a site that deals with that. While I also help out others who inspire to make a name for themselves and want to get involved with their community.
for more info you can visit the myspace page at
i hope this dream comes real.
Thank You, Dea

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


finally i got word about my panel...
they denied my hentai panel!
(yet they have had yoai panels in the past)
here is what they told me"Unfortunately, I have to deny your panel. While Sakura Con certainly allows for mature discussion, past experiences have made us leery of allowing free-flowing, unstructured discussion of hentai and other materials of a sexual nature - even if they are absent visuals."
i'm really disliking SakuraCon and i better not see a damn panel that is like this or I'm going to get in there FACE about this damn shit! and after this year i will not return.
i'll start my own damn great con! one that is actually geared for ADULTS!
i know there's other cons for that...but that's out of state...and damn it MegaCon is able to still have them and so are the other bigger cons, why does sakura con have a stick up there ASS!
why do they have to be so damn family friendly!!